- The reason to choose brand "Foska"
- Apr,23,2020
- The reason to choose brand "Foska" In recent 3 months, even though COVID-19 has infected export a lot, However, “Foska” brand
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- Foska has received some urgent orders recently
- Apr,14,2020
- Foskahas received some urgent orders recently Recently,the situation of New Corona virus in China has been under excellent con
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- Postponement of the 127th Canton Fair
- Apr,01,2020
- Dueto the epidemic of the coronavirus, the 127th Canton Fair will be postponed oreven cancelled. But Foska has prepared a large amou
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- Delivering goods in 3 days
- Mar,23,2020
- Due to the influence of COVID-19, some factories still haven’t resumed manufacturing yet. So, delivery time and urgent delivery will
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